Sweet Delivery Doula Services

Labor/Delivery and Postpartum Care

Learn More

Email: sweetdeliverydoulaservices@gmail.com Phone: (708)-925-1768

Second trimester of pregnancy

What is a Doula?

A doula is a professional support person trained in the needs of the family during pregnancy and childbirth. A

postpartum doula provides support to the family in the days, weeks and months after birth or the addition of a new baby. The doula offers non-judgmental support, guidance, evidence based education and practical hands-on support immediately after birth through the first year.


My name is Rachel Abraham and I am from Chicago, but I am currently residing in Peoria, Illinois. I live with my boyfriend and my one dog named Alex. He’s a 16 year old Chihuahua/Miniature Pinscher mix. I attended Bradley University where I got my undergraduate degree in Biology with a minor in sociology. I received my doula certification through the International Doula Institute. I have always been interested in the labor and delivery process. I currently work in the lab of a hospital, so I am familiar with hospital policies, and how difficult it can be to work with nurses at times. I have experience communicating with them, and could therefore navigate advocacy for my client during labor and delivery in hospital setting. I look forward to getting to know you and going along with you on this beautiful journey!


Fetus in mother hands, baby birth, embryo

Labor and Deliver Support

Postpartum Icon

Postpartum Support

Support during labor such as positioning and breathing techniques

Support after birth such as maintaining the household, overnight care, etc.

Contact Form

Birth Doula Services

Some of the tasks I would perform as your birth doula include the following:

  • 2 prenatal appointments including one to help create a birth plan should you choose to create one
  • Attendance of your labor and delivery
  • 1-2 hours of postpartum support following delivery
  • 1 postpartum visit to be scheduled within 2 weeks of delivery

Pricing: $500 (payment plans are available upon request)

Postpartum Doula Services

Some of the tasks I would perform as your postpartum doula include the following:

  • Education on postpartum issues
  • Guidance with newborn care and feeding
  • Sibling care
  • Emotional support and nurturing for the new mother
  • Help with postpartum care
  • Healthy and nutritious meals and/or meal planning
  • Very light housekeeping
  • Feeding and care of the newborn
  • Referrals to local resources

Pricing: $25/hour 7am-7pm and $30/hour 7pm-7am